Meesterlijk! Deze KLM “high five” actie is een fraai voorbeeld om op een zeer sympathieke wijze de interactie te zoeken.
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INTERCONTINENTAL HIGH FIVES! To celebrate their incredibly popular flight sale ‘World Deal Weeks’, KLM and their ad agency, Eigen Fabrikaat, approached Minivegas with the idea of creating a device that would enable people on opposite sides of the Atlantic to high-five each-other via two large video billboards. Perfect High-fives stood a chance of winning two return tickets to the opposite destination. At it’s core the aim was to get people to engage with each other, in real time, through installations linking the two original KLM destinations of Amsterdam and New York. But the high-five aspect added an intriguing gaming element and the chance to win tickets was the added ‘carrot on the end of the stick’ that pulled the crowds